Woke is Right.
So what does woke mean anyway ?
Accepting people for who they are.
Allowing people to love who they love and marry who they love.
Allowing women (and men) control over their own bodies.
Judging people by their deeds, not the colour of their skin or their religion.
Allowing people to practice their culture or religion as long as it does not harm others.
Not fearing or hating people because they are different than you.
Welcoming newcomers.
Giving everyone an equal opportunity by providing education and health care to everyone.
Practising conservation of the habitat we depend on to live.
Living within one’s means and as a society within the means of the planet’s resources.
Prioritizing people over property.
And sharing.
When you strip away the political ideology and look at these principles philosophically they are basic principles of conservatism.
Woke is Right.