Showing posts with label respect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label respect. Show all posts


The Most Annoying Thing About Cycling in Ottawa

We all agree that Ottawa is a great place for cycling, but it is not perfect. Apart from the fact that the City of Ottawa and NCC have to do a better job of completing the system and linking their pathways together there is the problem of a lack of washroom and drinking water facilities along the pathways.

However that is not my biggest complaint. Ottawa is supposed to be encouraging and promoting cycling and bicycles are supposed to be considered vehicles. But it all seems somewhat hypocritical.

Can you imagine someone in a vehicle stopped at a red light virtually forever, unable to move, without getting out of their vehicle and walking over to the side of the road and pushing a button. But that is the reality, more often than not, for cyclists in Ottawa who are stuck at red lights until a "real" vehicle or a pedestrian comes up to the intersection. It's that or just run the red light out of frustration and anger at the hypocrisy and lack of respect.


An Atheist Visits The Sacred Fire

I am an atheist. I do not believe in god or mythical beings, nor do I believe in organized religion. I think of myself as a physical and intellectual being and not as a spiritual one.

So what does "sacred" mean to me. That is a good question for I do not usually think of things in that manner. But if I was to think of anything as "sacred" it would be the land, and in particular, land in it's natural state.

I love being in the forest, and while many safety experts recommend against it, I love being in the forest alone. I always tell people that they should not be afraid of being alone in the bush because you are never alone in the bush. But I do not fear the animals in the bush for I mean them no harm.

So for me it was important to visit the Sacred Fire to pay my respects to the forest and the land that we all want to protect and it was a particular honour to be smudged by Algonquin Medicine Man Ron “Big Bear” Goddard.

The Sacred Fire represents the prayers and hopes of many peoples. Indeed, as far as all involved know, this is the first time that non-aboriginals have been given the responsibility, and honour of tending a Sacred Fire. This is indeed a very important milestone in the development of the Canadian multicultural mosaic. And it represents what the land means to all of us.

Not that there is not some "culture clash". The media have expressed an interest in Sundays Day of Prayer for the Land, and want to know when the protest is and when the leaders will be speaking. But to the Algonquin this is not a protest and it is not a day for the leaders but a day for the people. This, of course makes it much more significant, but not so good for "sound bytes"

Indeed recent reports indicate that people all across Canada and across the world will be taking some time Sunday to participate in the Day of Prayer for the Land.

I invite all of you who do not quite understand what this is all about or the significance of it to spend some time in the forest and to spend some time sitting by the Sacred Fire.



City of Ottawa Consultations with Algonquin First Nations re South March Highlands

It is not the purpose of this post to suggest to the Algonquin how they should represent their people in consultations with the City of Ottawa, but rather, as an Ottawa resident, to suggest to the City of Ottawa that it should deal with respect with the Algonquin in representing our interests.

The Ottawa Citizen reports:

OTTAWA — The planned construction on the South March Highlands can’t begin until the city has held consultations with Eastern Ontario Algonquins, a native group says in a new letter to Mayor Jim Watson.

The letter from the Kichesipirini Algonquin First Nation, a non-status band under the Indian Act, says the land is in the group’s traditional territory and so they have a right to a say in how it’s used.

After a recent discussion with the Algonquins of Ontario, [Deputy city manager] Schepers said, the city acted as a go-between with KNL, seeking to have the tree-cutting put off until the Algonquins can review the studies of the land, a process she understands could take till the end of the month.
There is more than a constitutional requirement to consult here, there is also a matter of respect. Respect for the First Nations of these lands would mean the city would not simply "seek" to have the clear cutting delayed but would refuse to allow it until meaningful consultations were completed.

Respect would mean that they City would follow the recommendations of the Aboriginal sub-committee to the Arts, Heritage & Culture Advisory Committee to Ottawa's City Council which states

1. The City undertakes a comprehensive and meaningful consultation with all Aboriginal peoples who wish to participate regardless of status;

2. The current and planned site preparation and alteration activities, including tree-clearing, in the South March Highlands for the Richardson Ridge, Uniform, and KNL subdivisions be immediately halted pending consultation with the Indigenous people of the Ottawa River Watershed;

3. That the City request the assistance of the National Capital Commission who have a licensed archaeologist on staff;

4. That the City takes a leadership role in assuring that a full and credible archaeological survey is performed independent of the third party interest of developers.

5. That such an archaeological survey encompass the entirety of the South March Highlands.

6. That this be set in place as soon as possible.
Respect for the archaeological heritage of the First Nations means no clear cutting or other work on the lands would occur until proper studies can be done when the forest is clear of snow and the ground no longer frozen.

But respect for this heritage means much more. These are not just isolated archaeological sites, they occur within a context. Identifying them, fencing them off and putting up plaques does not represent respect. These sites are within the context of the forest and destroying the forest context and replacing it with "ticky tacky" does not show respect for the First Nations heritage or the forest.

It is time for everyone involved, the developers and all levels of government to show respect.

Respect for the Community
Respect for the First Nations
Respect For the Land