Only in Celebrityland
Only in Celebrityland would there be any debate or controversy over whether a 44 year old who had sex with a thirteen year old after giving her alcohol and drugs should be held accountable for his crime, especially when he was in a position of authority over her.
It just amazes me that people are defending him, including the victim, who at the time certainly was in no position to consent, especially after being drugged, and who since has received a financial settlement from the rapist.
His crime was against society and society has a right and responsibility to hold him accountable in the name of all the other victims and potential victims of such crimes.
CBC News: Polanski to fight extradition
Ottawa Citizen: Polanski held on decades-old charge
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Labels: alcohol, celebrities, child abuse, children, crime, drugs, extradition, Roman Polanski, Samantha Geimer, sexual abuse, society, statutory rape, Switzerland, United States
Damn Lawyers Causing Problems – Catholic Church on Priest Child Sexual Abuse
It's all because of the lawyers. If it weren't for the lawyers child sexual abuse victims would approach the church quietly and ask for hush money. So it appears. The Catholic Church has an army of lawyers to help it cover up it's actions and avoid responsibility for the abuse it's priests, and itself as an institution, have perpetrated on young boys. They should understand it is a lawyers responsibility to advise his clients on the best means to obtain justice, especially when they have been abused by the people, and the institution, that were supposed to safeguard their spiritual well being. Does it not occur the them that the responsibility for them being sued lies with the abusive priest and the complicit church as an institution, and not with the victim's lawyer.
Apparently not, according to the Ottawa Citizen.
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Labels: child abuse, lawyers, Ottawa Roman Catholic archdiocese, priests, religion, Rev. Dale Crampton, Robert Talach, Roman Catholic Church, sexual abuse, victims