
The Thing About Religious Fundamentalists

The thing About religious fundamentalists is that they expect you to base your life and your belief system and morality on religious texts written three thousand years ago, before:
- The Renaissance (15th and 16th Centuries CE)

- The Scientific Revolution (1543-1687 CE)

- The Enlightenment/Age of Reason (17th & 18th Centuries CE)

- Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (1859 CE)

- The Discovery of DNA (1869 CE, genetic role 1943 CE, double-helix structure 1953 CE)

- The Information Age (1970–present CE)

- Even before The Dark Ages (5th to 10th Century CE) and the life of their saviour Jesus Christ (4 BCE – 30/33 CE).

Wisdom requires knowledge, yet they would have people establish their moral framework and live their lives as if all human learning and knowledge of the last two thousand years did not exist.