Go Canada Go
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Labels: 2011 federal election, Geoffrey The Giant, Go Canada Go, http://www.geoffreythegiant.com/, Jack Layton, New Democratic Party
"This column is dedicated to the proposition that Canada (and indeed the world) is in a crisis situation and that fundamental social change is required to remedy this situation." - The First Column, Lambda November 2, 1971 This blog is inspired by my column of the same name in the Laurentian University Newspaper, Lambda, from 1971-1973. The title refers to the concept of subverting the system from within. To read key excerpts from those columns read the first few posts in this blog.
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Labels: 2011 federal election, Geoffrey The Giant, Go Canada Go, http://www.geoffreythegiant.com/, Jack Layton, New Democratic Party
Historical Background
Mouseland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tommy Douglas and the NDP | CBC Archives
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Labels: 2011 federal election, Clarence Gillis, Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, Jack Layton, Mouseland, New Democratic Party, Tommy Douglas
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Labels: 2011 federal election, Jack Layton, New Democratic Party
"it isn't special ... there's nothing special about it"
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Labels: 2011 federal election, Cabinet Ministers, Carleton—Mississippi Mills, Conservative Party, elections, Gordon O'Connor, Members of Parliament, South March Highlands
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Labels: 2011 federal election, Conservative Party, democracy, elections, John Roby, music, Stephen Harper, Steve It's Time to Leave, The Harper Song, video
This post is also being sent via email to National Capital Commission CEO Marie Lemay
( Marie.Lemay@ncc-ccn.ca )
Are You Voting For Canada
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Labels: 2011 federal election, co-operation, Declaration for Change, democracy, environment, government, health care, inequality, leadnow.ca, Medicare, politicians, poverty, rants, transparency, video, voting
The most interesting thing I noticed about the debate was where all the leaders, or at least all of the federalist leaders, agreed.
These were on what I would consider to be the most basic of Canadian values, but values that many of us suspect are not dear to the heart of Stephen Harper, yet he provided vigorous defences of them - public health care and multiculturalism.
It speaks well to their broad support among Canadians that not even Stephen Harper would publicly oppose them knowing it would be political suicide.
The other issues I particularly noticed were the ones that were only raised by Jack Layton, electoral reform, particularly proportional representation and aboriginal issues.
Jack also gets some points for language, being the only leader to use the term ""hashtag" in the debate and "commentariat" during the post debate scrum.
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Labels: 2011 federal election, aboriginal peoples, Canadian values, debate, democracy, electoral reform, health care, Jack Layton, Medicare, political parties, proportional representation, Stephen Harper
An Open Letter to Ottawa City Council and Residents
RE: Residential Solid Waste Service Level Review Recommendations
This open letter is being posted on my blog, The Fifth Column ( http://the5thc.blogspot.com/ ) and being sent via email to the the following city councillors:
There is a time for politicians to follow and a time for politicians to lead. If one of our goals is to make Ottawa a Green City then Ottawa City Council will have to provide leadership to make it happen.
We will never become a Green City if City Council punishes those that are doing the right thing and rewards those that are part of the problem.
There have been issues raised regarding animals getting into Green Bins and maggots in Green Bins. I have never had these issues with our Green Bin, probably because the Green Bins are more secure than most garbage cans. However, I have had them with our garbage containers, but very few times over 30 years living in Ottawa. The fact is that the colour of the container has nothing to do with these problems.
These problems relate to organic waste so the best way to eliminate or reduce them is to increase how often the organic waste is picked up and that is what the recommended plan does.
So the solution is really simple. Residents just need to use the system the way it is designed. Recyclables go into the Blue and Black Bins, organics into the Green Bin and what little is left, mainly non-recyclable excessive packaging, goes into the garbage (which could be picked up monthly as far as I am concerned).
As far as using the Green Bin being more costly or complicated, it need not be. We do not need to listen to those that see this as an opportunity to sell us more products like specialized bags that contradict the very idea behind the Green Bin of eliminating and reducing unnecessary waste. Nor do we need to listen to the media that think they are being helpful by suggesting all sorts of complicated solutions to non-existing problems.
We do not use a bag for our kitchen container, indeed rather than the container that came with the Green Bin we use a kitchen garbage can without any liner and dump it into the Green Bin when full. This is more convenient as it is larger and needs dumping less often. We rinse it clean about once a week.
The Green Bin would probably not need lining either but we have cats and find the kitty litter does stick to the plastic so we line it with old newspapers. I put newspapers along the bottom and up the sides a bit and then all along the sides from the top to cover the inside completely. I did have to slightly compromise my "not buy anything new" policy by using a very small amount of masking tape to help hold the newspaper to the sides of the bin at the top. That was a ten minute job the first time and under five minutes each time since and it does not need to be done each week as often the lining remains in the bin after dumping.
You can also use outdoor composting bags by cutting them down a few inches but that again requires more unnecessary consumption and waste.
It is very clear that there really should not be any controversy here. All that is required is for people to use the waste reduction and collection system the way it is designed to be used.
Unless the City wants to abandon any hope of being a Green City, City Council must support those that are doing the right thing, not those that are part of the problem.
To read more about my views on the Green Bin Program please see The Fifth Column: Why Sabotage The Green Bin Program
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Labels: City Council, composting, consumption, environment, garbage, Green Bin Program, leadership, newspaper, organic waste, Ottawa, packaging, politicians, recycling, waste management
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Labels: 2011 federal election, Conservative Party, contempt, gesture, salute, Stephen Harper