Why I Don't Capitalize god
Well it all goes back to being taught the rule that all references to god are capitalized no matter what, including, he, him, etc., apparently just because, well because god is god. As a non-believer that did not sit well with me so I stopped capitalizing god completely. Of course if that rule did not exist god would still be capitalized according to the rule that you capitalize all proper nouns including the names of fictitious entities like god. But I still can't bring myself to do it.
I don't capitalize christian either.
So this begs the question: can you bring yourself to capitalize Hitler?
I don't capitalize it either, except when using scare-quotes around it, as in 'God'. As for capitalizing the pronouns, no way!
i stopped capitalizing proper nouns a long time ago because of the way it was explained to me (that some words/things/people are so important they need to be capitalized). of course i don't write like this in academia. but for some reason it has become so hard for me to break out of the habit of not capitalizing anything!
i stopped capitalizing god based on this same principle..
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